- +
- indicates the presence of further Narrower Terms (NTs)
- RT
- Related Term
- UF
- Used for: indicates that the descriptor has one or more non-descriptors
- UF+
- indicates that the descriptor is one of two descriptors which in combination cover the concept of the non-descriptors following +
- Use: points from a non-descriptor to the relevant descriptor
- USE ... AND ...
- USE descriptor AND descriptor:
points from a non-descriptor to the relevant descriptor combination which expresses the concept
- History
- History Note: documents descriptor additions or rephrased descriptors
- SN
- Scope Note: use instructions, definitions, alternatives etc.
- En
- corresponding English descriptor
- Ger
- corresponding German descriptor
- Fr
- corresponding French descriptor
- Conc
- concordances, i.e. the descriptor/s which are used in the reference thesauri in order to express the same concept
- B
- Bioethics Thesaurus (Bioethics Information Retrieval Project, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA; reference thesaurus)
- E
- Euroethics Thesaurus (Informations- und Dokumentationsstelle Ethik in der Medizin, Göttingen, Germany; reference thesaurus)
- I
- Thesaurus d'éthique des sciences de la vie et de la santé (Centre de documentation en éthique de l’Inserm, Paris, France; reference thesaurus)
- M
- Medical Subject Headings (MeSH, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA; reference thesaurus)
Source References of the Scope Notes
The language indicator following the source reference refers ot the original language (En, Ger, Fr, multilingual).
Translations for the other language versions of the Thesaurus were prepared by the DRZE or its partners.
- Allaby-2
- Allaby, Michael (ed.) (2004): A Dictionary of Ecology. 2nd ed. Oxford. (En)
- Alsing-3
- Alsing, Ingrid (1995): Lexikon Landwirtschaft. 3., überarb. und erw. Aufl. München. (Ger)
- BÄK-1995
- Bundesärztekammer (1995): Richtlinien zum Gentransfer in menschliche Körperzellen. In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt 92 (11), A789-794, B583-588, C507-512. (Ger)
- Bains-2
- Bains, William (1998): Biotechnology from A to Z. 2nd ed. Oxford, New York, Tokyo. (En)
- Baumgartner/Mieth
- Baumgartner, Christoph / Mieth, Dietmar (ed.) (2003): Patente am Leben? Ethische, rechtliche und politische Aspekte der Biopatentierung. Paderborn. (Ger)
- Bioethics
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Bioethics Information Retrieval Project (1999): Bioethics Thesaurus. Washington. URL (incl. updates until 2001 and as of 2007; En)
- Blackburn-2
- Blackburn, Simon (2005): The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. 2nd ed. Oxford, New York. (En)
- Britannica Online
- Encyclopædia Britannica Online. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- Brockhaus-20
- Brockhaus - Die Enzyklopädie in 24 Bänden (1996-99). 20., überarb. und aktualisierte Aufl. Leipzig, Mannheim. (Ger)
- Brockhaus-21
- Brockhaus - Die Enzyklopädie in 30 Bänden (2005-07). 21., neu bearb. Aufl. Leipzig, Mannheim. (Ger)
- Brugger-21
- Brugger, Walter (ed.) (1992): Philosophisches Wörterbuch. Sonderausg., 21., nach der neu bearb. 14. durchges. Aufl. Freiburg im Breisgau, Basel, Wien. (Ger)
- Brundtland Report
- World Commission on Environment and Development (1987): Our Common Future [Brundtland Report]. Oxford, New York. (En)
- CBD-3
- Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2005): Handbook of the Convention on Biological Diversity Including its Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. 3rd ed. Montreal. URL (En)
- CHU - Hôpitaux de Rouen: Terminologie CISMeF. URL (Fr, En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- Creifelds-16
- Creifelds, Carl / Weber, Klaus (ed.) (2000): Rechtswörterbuch. 16., neubearb. Aufl. München. (Ger)
- Directive (EC) No 2002/73
- European Parliament / Council of the European Union (2002): Directive 2002/73/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 2002 amending Council Directive 76/207/EEC on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions. In: Official Journal of the European Communities L 269 (05.10.2002), 15-20. (multilingual)
- EC CHM Glossary
- European Community Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism: Glossary of biodiversity related terms. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- EEA Glossary
- European Environment Agency: EEA Multilingual Environmental Glossary. URL (multilingual)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- EET-1998
- European Commission / Council of Europe (1998): European Education Thesaurus. URL (multilingual)
- Enc.App.Eth.
- Chadwick, Ruth (ed.) (1998): Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics. Vols. I-IV. San Diego, London. (En)
- Encarta Dictionary
- Encarta World English Dictionary. World English ed. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- Enc.Bioeth.-3
- Post, Stephen G. (ed.) (2004): Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Vols. I-V. 3rd ed. New York. (En)
- Enc.Phil.
- Edwards, Paul (ed.) (1967): The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Vols. I-VIII. New York, London. (En)
- Enz.Phil.Wiss.
- Mittelstraß, Jürgen (ed.) (1980-96): Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie. Vols. I-IV. Mannheim, Wien, Zürich. (Ger)
- U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, Education Resources Information Center: Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- EU Glossary
- European Union: Glossary. URL (multilingual)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- Eurodicautom
- European Commission: Eurodicautom. European Terminology Database. URL (multilingual)
(since 2007 accessible via the terminology database IATE)
- Eurovoc-4.2
- European Communities (2005): Eurovoc Thesaurus. Version 4.2. URL (multilingual)
- Evert
- Evert, Klaus-Jürgen (ed.) (2001): Lexikon - Landschafts- und Stadtplanung. Berlin, Heidelberg. (multilingual)
- Gabler-14
- Gabler Wirtschafts-Lexikon (1997). Vols. I-V. 14., vollst. überarb. und erw. Aufl. Wiesbaden. (Ger)
- GEMET-2004
- European Environment Information and Observation Network (2004): GEMET. General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus. URL (multilingual)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit: Begriffswelt der GTZ. URL (multilingual)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- Halder/Müller-1993
- Halder, Alois / Müller, Max (1993): Philosophisches Wörterbuch. Erw. Neuausg. Freiburg im Breisgau, Basel, Wien. (Ger)
- Handbuch Ethik
- Düwell, Marcus / Hübenthal, Christoph / Werner, Micha H. (ed.) (2002): Handbuch Ethik. Stuttgart, Weimar. (Ger)
- Handbuch Ethik-2
- Düwell, Marcus / Hübenthal, Christoph / Werner, Micha H. (ed.) (2006): Handbuch Ethik. 2., aktualisierte und erw. Aufl. Stuttgart, Weimar. (Ger)
- Herder
- Sauermost, Rolf (ed.) (1994): Herder Lexikon der Biologie. Vols. I-IX and suppl. Heidelberg, Berlin, Oxford. (Ger)
- Höffe-6
- Höffe, Otfried (ed.) (2002): Lexikon der Ethik. 6., neubearb. Aufl. München. (Ger)
- European Communities: IATE. Interactive Terminology for Europe. URL (multilingual)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- Centre de documentation en éthique de l’Inserm (1999): Thesaurus d'éthique des sciences de la vie et de la santé. Paris. (incl. updates until 2002; Fr)
- LdB
- Korff, Wilhelm / Beck, Lutwin / Mikat, Paul (ed.) (1998): Lexikon der Bioethik. Vols. I-III. Gütersloh. (Ger)
- Levy-2007
- Levy, Neil (2007): Neuroethics. Cambridge, New York. (En)
- Lex.chr.Ethik
- Hunold, Gerfried W. (ed.) (2003): Lexikon der christlichen Ethik. Vols. I-II. Freiburg im Breisgau, Basel, Wien. (Ger)
- Lex.Neurowiss.
- Lexikon der Neurowissenschaft (2000-01). Vols. I-IV. Heidelberg, Berlin. (Ger)
- Lex.Politik-4
- Nohlen, Dieter / Grotz, Florian (ed.) (2007): Kleines Lexikon der Politik. Orig.-Ausg., 4. aktualisierte und erw. Aufl. München. (Ger)
- Library of Congress: Library of Congress Authorities. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- Marb.Richtl.
- Philipps-Universität Marburg, Fachbereich Humanmedizin, Kommission für Ethik in der ärztlichen Forschung (1997): Marburger Richtlinien zur Forschung mit einwilligungsunfähigen und beschränkt einwilligungsfähigen Personen. Vom 27.3.1996 in der Fassung vom 22.1.1997. In: Freund, Georg / Heubel, Friedrich: Forschung mit einwilligungsunfähigen und beschränkt einwilligungsfähigen Personen. Medizinrecht 15 (8), 347-350. (Ger)
- MedEnc
- A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the respective article/entry was edited)
- Merriam Online
- Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- MeSH-2005
- U.S. National Library of Medicine (2005): Medical Subject Headings. 2005 MeSH. URL (En)
- MeSH-2006
- U.S. National Library of Medicine (2006): Medical Subject Headings. 2006 MeSH. URL (En)
- MeSH-2007
- U.S. National Library of Medicine (2007): Medical Subject Headings. 2007 MeSH. URL (En)
- MeSH-2008
- U.S. National Library of Medicine (2008): Medical Subject Headings. 2008 MeSH. URL (En)
- MeSH-2009
- U.S. National Library of Medicine (2009): Medical Subject Headings. 2009 MeSH. URL (En)
- Meyers-7
- Meyers Lexikonredaktion (1999): Meyers großes Taschenlexikon in 25 Bänden. 7., neu bearb. Aufl. Mannheim, Leipzig, Wien, Zürich. (Ger)
- Meyers Online
- Meyers Lexikon online. URL (Ger)
(not available since March 2009; the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- Meyers Phil.
- Meyers Lexikonredaktion (1987): Meyers kleines Lexikon Philosophie. Mannheim, Leipzig, Wien, Zürich. (Ger)
- NALT-2005
- U.S. National Agricultural Library (2005): NAL Agricultural Thesaurus. 2005 ed. URL (En)
- NALT-2006
- U.S. National Agricultural Library (2006): NAL Agricultural Thesaurus. 2006 ed. URL (En)
- Natural History Museum (1996): Bioprospecting Policy. In: Natural History Museum (ed.): Life and Earth Sciences and Library Collections. Curatorial Policies and Collections Management Procedures. Rev. ed. London. 2003, 36. URL (En)
- Oxford English Dictionary. OED Online. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the respective article/entry was edited)
- Pschyrembel-257
- Pschyrembel Klinisches Wörterbuch (1994). 257., neu bearb. Aufl. Berlin, New York. (Ger)
- Pschyrembel-261
- Pschyrembel Klinisches Wörterbuch (2007). 261., neu bearb. und erw. Aufl. Berlin, New York. (Ger)
- Rameau
- Bibliothèque nationale de France: RAMEAU. Répertoire d'autorité-matière encyclopédique et alphabétique unifié. URL (Fr)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the respective article/entry was edited)
- Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003
- European Parliament / Council of the European Union (2003): Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on genetically modified food and feed. In: Official Journal of the European Union L 268 (18.10.2003), 1-23. (multilingual)
- Roco/Bainbridge
- Roco, Mihail C. / Bainbridge, William S. (ed.) (2003): Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance. Dordrecht, Boston, London (En)
- Römpp Umwelt-2
- Hulpke, Herwig / Koch, Herbert A. / Nießner, Reinhard (ed.) (2000): Römpp-Lexikon Umwelt. 2., völlig überarb. Aufl. Stuttgart, New York. (Ger)
- Schaefer-4
- Schaefer, Matthias (2003): Wörterbuch der Ökologie. 4., neu bearb. und erw. Aufl. Heidelberg, Berlin. (Ger)
- Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: SWD. Schlagwortnormdatei. URL (Ger)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- UN Environment Glossary
- United Nations, Statistics Division: Environment Glossary. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- United Nations, Department of Public Information, Dag Hammarskjöld Library: UNBIS Thesaurus. URL (multilingual)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- Unesco
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: UNESCO Thesaurus. URL (multilingual)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- WHO Glossary
- European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies / WHO Regional Office for Europe: The Observatory's Health Systems Glossary. URL (En)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
- WHO Health Topics
- World Health Organization: Health Topics. URL (multilingual)
(the date following the source reference indicates the year in which the mentioned source was consulted)
Asscociative relationships cf. Relationships
Concordances are the corresponding descriptors or descriptor combinations which were used in the reference thesauri to describe the same concept.
Descriptors / non-descriptors
The Thesaurus consists of descriptors and non-descriptors. Descriptors are preferred terms (keywords) used
for indexing literature. Non-descriptors are terms such as synonyms, quasi-synonyms and lexical variants whose
semantic or contextual scope is covered by an individual descriptor (equivalence relationships). Non-descriptors
are not used for indexing but provide useful entry points to identify the relevant descriptor or combination of
'UF': (use for) following a descriptor refers users from the descriptor to any non-descriptor.
'UF+': (Used for combination) following a descriptor indicates that it is one of two descriptors which are used in c
ombination to express the concept of the non-descriptor following the UF+.
'USE' indicates the reciprocal relationship and guides users from the non-descriptor to the relevant descriptor.
Equivalence relationships cf. Relationships
Hierarchical relationships cf. Relationships
History Note
All changes in the Thesaurus relevant for indexing or searching, i.e. additions of new descriptors and
rephrased descriptors, are documented in the history note. Information on new descriptors includes the year in
which they were added and all descriptor details. Entries on descriptors which were rephrased contain previous
indexing information including the period during which the descriptor was used in this form.
Node Labels
"Dummy terms" not assigned to documents when indexing, but inserted into the hierarchy to indicate the logical
basis on which a category has been divided. This device is most useful in case of a large number of Narrower Terms
under a specific Broader Term. Node labels help to grasp the organisation of the list and to find useful terms
without scanning a long, diverse array. Their purpose is purely organisational.
Reference thesauri
The Thesaurus provides concordances with other thesauri. These thesauri are called 'reference thesauri'.
Currently the Thesaurus provides concordances with
- Bioethics Thesaurus. Bioethics Information Retrieval Project. Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Georgetown University, Washington, DC
- Euroethics Thesaurus. Informations- und Dokumentationsstelle Ethik in der Medizin, Goettingen (further development halted)
- Medical Subject Headings. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD
- Thesaurus d'éthique des sciences de la vie et de la santé. Centre de documentation en éthique de l'Inserm, Paris.
- Asscociative relationships
- Numerous descriptors are connected by way of associative relationships (Related Terms; RT). Related Terms are
those which have no direct hierarchical, but a close conceptual link to the descriptor.
- Equivalence relationships
- Descriptors may be placed in equivalence relationships with one or several non-descriptors. Non-descriptors
lead the users to the descriptor or descriptor combination which are actually used in indexing and which are
defined to cover the same concept.
- Hierarchical relationships
- Within the tree structure of the subject areas each descriptor is located in a specific position.
In establishing hierarchies the Editorial Team generally followed the principle of generic and partitive
relationships, i.e. either the Narrower Term describes more specific characteristics of the Broader Term,
or it represents parts of the greater whole. This principle was however deliberately overruled at certain
points in order to maintain and make best use of the work's core structure set by the twelve subject areas.
Scope Notes
Scope notes are brief texts supplementing a descriptor entry and providing background
information on its use and intended scope. They can also point to alternatives or give
short definitions. As the work continues a growing number of scope notes will be added
to most descriptors. Scope notes which were not written by the project partners are
accompanied by attributions of reference. In the list of references the original language of the source is marked.
Unless indicated otherwise, translations for the other language versions were prepared by the DRZE or its partners.